#Best unp blessed body outfits skin#
(a spin-off of the original CBBE Skin TextureUNP Compatible, which was difficult to get to work right, especially on UNP) I agree, though you could go younger with certain sculpts.
#Best unp blessed body outfits mod#
^_^ Seren4XX, the mod author, says the age for this skin’s appearance is 20-30. It’s a good balance of each, though your character can come out looking too young – unless that’s what you want. The skin is a merging of the SG Skin Texture Renewal and Real Girls. Some of the downsides to this mod are that it’s essentially incomplete because it lacks a vampire skin and that it has that redness to the base color. In the screenies above I’m using all default settings for the texture, so there is minimal tone. It’s not body-builder toned, but it shows that the woman can hold her own in a fight! There are also other options, such as more muscles, different skin resolution, a no freckles version, and some experimental skins. The detail is fantastic and I like the lighter muscle definition option (see the end of the post). This has to be my second favorite skin, although I don’t totally like the red hue the skin has. The author has also said she (I think it’s a she) is going to give even more options. I don’t use those last two options, but they’re popular. You can have sparkley eyes (which I use), a wet body, or a sweaty body. The other great thing with this skin, besides the fact it’s still being worked on, is that there are some options with customization. I can make any shade I want and there won’t be a red overlay. Despite the low resolution, the texture still looks awesome! To me it doesn’t lose any detail and I doubt anyone would know it was only 1k. I use the lowely 1k version called Niflheim because I have so many other graphical overhauls. This skin is a mashup of Real Girls and Mature Skin with Fitness Body‘s normal maps. In my example I’m using a softer sculpt so she looks younger. That’s a big range, but the 40 and 50 year old complexions from PoV in RaceMenu do a good job of adding wrinkles without them looking like painted-on lines. In terms of the age the skin appears to be on a character with all of the base files, I would say it’s in the 20-40 range, depending on sculpt. You can also see the pores and with the original normal maps there is some great muscular detail. I love the detail with the scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, and moles.